Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why factory farms must go

I have a video to share with you, but I want to warn you that it is very graphic and disturbing. While extremely difficult to watch, the video nonetheless tells a truth about our society that we should all confront. In their insistence on profit as the sole motive and driver behind their business, factory farms (CAFOs) have turned a blind eye to basic animal dignity and welfare, and behavior like the following becomes all too common.

The video makes me outraged. What kind of a society have we become, that we can allow such practices to take place? This incident is not isolated; a search on YouTube reveals other videos of downer cows being abused. In some ways I'm not surprised; these videos are consistent with the findings in Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore's Dilemma. A factory farm is, by nature, driven to produce the most meat possible at the lowest cost possible. Cows can't be treated humanely, because that would make for less productivity and higher expenses. Sadly, we are as guilty as the CAFOs. Every time we eat a fast-food hamburger, or every time we buy regular beef from our local grocery store, we tacitly endorse the practices of factory farms.

I don't think you need to go vegetarian (necessarily) to ensure ethical treatment of animals- although many a vegetarian would disagree with me on that point. Rather, I think it is important that we care enough to read labels, ask for information, and learn as much as possible about how the animals lived and died prior to becoming our food. Then we can make responsible decisions about the foods we eat, and we can opt to vote with our forks to end inhumane or cruel treatment of animals.

Learn more at the Humane Society website.


Jon Bischke said...

Amen Sister. Videos like this were a big part of my decision to go "vegan + fish" starting this year. Search YouTube for "The Price of Meat" for another example that's at least as nauseating as this...

There are SO many amazing non-animal product choices for food out there right now. When you add it up, the environmental, health and cruelty costs of eating meat and diary...well, it's pretty frickin' heavy.

Just my $0.02. :)


Mary, CNM said...

there was an editorial in the NY Times yesterday about this video and the New York area response to it--looks like the public schools have stopped serving hamburgers (at least for now) and a senator is introducing new legislation about downed cows.

Mary, CNM said...

hey jill--did you see this link on the humane society website--it's for a letter to send to the secretary of agriculture. maybe you could include it in your post so that people can do something to change policy...